Aqua Ceph Cephalexin - 250mg 100 Capsules
Aqua Ceph Cephalexin are made by Midland VetServices, a broad-spectrum antibiotic for fish that treats a wide range of bacterial infections. It is commonly used to treat diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria.It comes in Aqua Ceph Cephalexin 250 mg and Aqua Ceph Cephalexin 500 mg. Each bottle of aqua mox amoxicillin is sealed for safety and has instructions for fish use and the expiration date of the medicine.
Active Ingredients:The active ingredient Aqua Ceph is Cephalexin.
Non-prescription oral antibiotics manufactured for use in fish aquariums.
- Add one capsule (250 mg) into aquarium for every 10 gallons of water.
Repeat in 24 hours.
- It is suggested that a partial water change be made between treatments
Treatment duration depends on the type and severity of infection, it is recommended that extended medication baths continue for a minimum of 5 days and for not more than 10 days.
- Discontinue treatment if no improvement is noted within 5 days.
- Do not administer to fish intended for human consumption.
- Keep away from children.
- Not for use in humans.
- Only for use in ornamental or aquarium fish.